Saturday, October 6, 2007

going local

there is a pretty big movement here in madison to buy local products. it is inspiring and it has actually nudged me to plan meals and search for recipes where i can use fresh, local, and hopefully organic, products.

i haven't made it to the farmer's market in two weeks, and so have been forced to buy things from the grocery store - big gasp! the only places to get an abundance of local and fresh products is the farmer's markets (of which there are a few in madison and the outlying towns), or one of the co-ops (of which there are a few scattered throughout the town but hardly convenient to me).

i go to the grocery and see almost two aisles worth of apples...apples of all sorts and sizes and variety. even some that are organic. but very rarely do i find apples that are locally grown. or even any grown in wisconsin. or the midest for that matter. i actually see a lot coming out of canada here (which is totally foreign to me [pardon the pun] since coming from the west i normally see apples from california or washington.

when i'm at the farmer's market i see apples from a variety of local farms coming from all over the state so why am i not seeing any in the mainstream grocery stores? it is bothersome to me.

in any case, i love buying local and seasonal and there is so much of it here. i just can't believe that i am actually enjoying cooking!

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